Oregon State University supports students with disabilities and encourages their full participation in all academic programs, including field placement of all kinds. “Field placement” for the purpose of this document includes practicums, field experiences, internships, student teaching, clinic or other work experiences required as part of the student’s academic program.
If a student requires accommodations during their field placement, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations in advance. Because field placement accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis, advanced notice is required so Disability Access Services (DAS) can work with the instructor, OSU field placement coordinator, and if needed, field site personnel to develop an appropriate accommodation plan. Students should make their request for field placement accommodations as soon as possible and no later than one term before starting at the site.
Student Responsibilities
- Meet with the instructor or the OSU coordinator of the field placement program/site as early as possible to obtain more information about the expectations for the specific field placement site and determine if accommodations are needed. You may ask your DAS adviser to join this meeting.
- Meet with your DAS adviser as soon as possible when you find out you will be taking a course that includes a field placement to discuss your questions or concerns regarding accommodations.
- Students are not required to use accommodations during their field placement. However, there are no retroactive accommodations for grades or performance. Accommodations for field placement sites, if used, are often different than accommodations used in the standard classroom setting.
- It is the student’s responsibility to find transportation to the field placement site unless transportation is being provided for all students.
Things to consider:
Site Selection
The selection of an internship site may be a key factor in providing an optimal environment for academic and professional development. The student and OSU field placement coordinator(s) should review potential sites based on the nature of the work environment and the responsibilities agreed upon between each site and academic supervisor. The student must identify the most critical factor(s) in determining their ideal placement. Disability accommodations should be one of the considerations.
Application/Interview Process (if Applicable)
If an application or interview is required prior to acceptance into a field placement, and the student needs an accommodation to participate, the student is responsible for making the accommodation request to DAS and the OSU field placement coordinator as soon as possible.
Request for Accommodation in Field Placement
Students with disabilities are not required to disclose, nor may an institution inquire about, the presence of a disability unless the student is seeking reasonable accommodations. Students requesting accommodations must be registered with DAS.
Disability Access Services Responsibilities
- Meet with the student to discuss if there is a need for an accommodation and if needed, identify possible accommodations.
- Manage the interactive process between the student and the University, including those instructors from Oregon State who are directly involved in facilitating the field placement. Below is clarification of individuals who may be involved in the process:
- Oregon State personnel: field placement coordinator, department, instructor, on-site personnel
- Field site personnel: persons at the field site responsible for implementing reasonable accommodation(s), field site supervisor.
- Work with the student and OSU field placement coordinator to define field components and accommodation needs.
- Provide consultation services to the OSU field placement coordinator prior to placement, and if needed and requested, accompany the OSU field placement coordinator and the student to visit the assigned site.
- Provide consultation services to the student, instructor, and Oregon State on-site personnel during the field placement. Consultation can also be provided directly to the field site personnel in partnership with the OSU field placement coordinator.
- Provide consultation services when adjustments to the accommodation plan may be required or when questions arise regarding reasonable accommodations.
OSU Field Placement Staff and Instructor Responsibilities
- Add the Oregon State University disability nondiscrimination statement to any field placement agreements.
- Have clear written competencies and expectations for all student activities and behavior while at a field placement site.
- Work with DAS in considering:
- the specific needs of the student.
- reasonable accommodations that can be made while meeting the essential components and/or eligibility requirements of the placement.
- an accommodation plan in consultation with the student.
- It is primarily the OSU field placement coordinator’s responsibility to meet with the field site personnel to discuss accommodations. DAS is involved if requested by the OSU field placement coordinator.
- Respect the confidentiality rights of the student with a disability. Provide the details of reasonable accommodations only to those who need to know, including those at the field site, in order to provide requested accommodations. This does not necessarily mean providing information about the students’ specific disability.
- Discuss accommodations with the field site supervisor. If a supervisor seems unwilling or unable to respond to the University’s legally mandated requirements, then Oregon State University has the responsibility to find an alternative placement for the student.
- If a student has any discrimination concerns, please advise the student to contact Oregon State University, Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) located in 330 Snell Hall. Phone (541) 737-3556, Email [email protected] Please provide additional information about OSU’s Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability and OSU’s complaint process.
Website Resources:
JAN (Job Accommodation Network)
National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcome
Summary of Responsibilities Regarding Accommodations for Internships, Practicums, and Field Placements |
Student |
Disability Access Services (DAS) |
Academic Department |
OSU Field Placement Coordinator |
Inform DAS if an accommodation is needed at a field placement site at least one term in advance of the field placement. |
Ensure DAS Student Handbook will list information regarding the field placement accommodations process. |
Ensure Documents, orientation/student handbook, and departmental website regarding field placement should include: Essential components and/or essential eligibility requirements of the placement. Information on the process to request accommodations. |
Inform DAS that the student is requesting accommodations. Meet with DAS to discuss field placement requirements and possible accommodations. Meet with DAS and the student to discuss accommodations and implementation. |
Work with DAS, Department and OSU field placement coordinator to develop an accommodation plan. |
Work with the student and the OSU field placement coordinator regarding accommodations potentially needed at the field site. |
Advisors, course instructors and OSU field placement coordinators should refer students to DAS for consultation. |
Inform field site personnel of requested accommodations (after receiving written permission from DAS). Work with field site personnel to implement accommodations and respond to questions about accommodations. |
Manage the interactive process between student, department, OSU field placement coordinator and field site personnel. |
Respect confidentiality rights of the student with a disability. |
Respect confidentiality rights of the student with a disability. |
When starting field placement, discuss accommodations with OSU on-site personnel/field site personnel and others as appropriate. |
Provide consultation services to student, instructor, and the OSU field placement coordinator prior to and during field placement. Provide consultation to OSU on-site personnel/field site personnel, if needed. |
Consult with DAS regarding possible accommodations for a student during field placement. Consult regarding how to work with on-site personnel around implementation of accommodations. Consult with DAS if there are any issues or concerns with accommodations or site placement. |
Check-in regularly with the student around accommodations and effectiveness of the accommodations. Check-in with the on-site OSU personnel and/or field site personnel regarding any questions or concerns about accommodations. Consult with DAS if there are any issues or concerns with accommodations or site placement. |
If accommodations are not provided or not effective, contact DAS as well as your OSU field placement coordinator. |
If reasonable/effective accommodations are not provided, work with the student, department, OSU field placement coordinator/on-site personnel and field site personnel to identify options that may include the following: Correcting provision of accommodations; Identifying alternate accommodations; Continuing without accommodations; Finding a new placement site. This may mean the student needs to leave the field placement. |
If accommodations are not effective, work with DAS, the student, OSU field placement coordinator and field on-site personnel to resolve issues. |
If accommodations are not effective, work with DAS, the student, OSU onsite personnel and field site personnel to resolve issues. |
Field Placement Sample Forms:
Field Placement Accommodations Planning
Field Placement Accommodations Agreement
Page updated: 9/2024