Chapter 25 - Baccalaureate Core Course Substitutions

A specific disability can interfere with a student's successful completion of a course. To substitute a Baccalaureate core course (Bacc core), appropriate documentation is required from a qualified professional, such as an educational diagnostician or psychologist, that addresses the functional impact of the disability in the educational environment. A Bacc core course may be substituted in certain situations but will not be waived as a result of a disability. (Bacc Core Learning Outcomes) Students need to be aware that the process for substitution of a Bacc core course can take time. Therefore, students are encouraged to address this issue as soon as they know they want to request a substitution for a Bacc Core course (requirement). The student and the department will agree on (an)other course(s) to replace the credits of the course(s) that are required but are not being taken. 

To substitute a course, documentation approval must be obtained through the DAS Office. Below is an outline of the process to be used by a student to substitute a required Bacc core course because of a documented disability

  • The student submits documentation regarding impacts of a disability that limits/prevents the student from taking a specific required Bacc core course.
  • The student then requests a substitution to the Bacc core course as an accommodation through DAS. 
  • After DAS approves a Bacc core course substitution as an accommodation, the student meets with the director of DAS (or designee) regarding next steps. 
  • The director of DAS will email the student, the Head Advisor and academic advisor of the student’s academic college regarding the approval of a Bacc core substitution accommodation. The email will include which Bacc core course(s) the accommodation pertains to. 
  • The student will meet with their academic advisor to identify appropriate substitution course(s) for the required Bacc core course.
  • The College Head Advisor will inform the Office of the Registrar of the needed change in MyDegrees and the Office of the Registrar will make the approved substitution note in the student’s MyDegrees account.
  • If the course substitution is denied by the department/college, the Head Advisor will inform the director of DAS. The Head Advisor will inform the student of the appeal process(es). Appeals of this decision are referred to the Associate Dean or the Dean of the College and then to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs or their designee. If the issue is still not resolved, the student may bring their concern to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. 

Page updated: 09/2024