DAS Student Employee Handbook

Welcome to Disability Access Services! We hope you enjoy your work experience here. Disability Access Services' primary objective is to facilitate University programs and services for students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities through accommodations, education, consultation, and advocacy. You represent DAS to all of our patrons. We continually strive to provide excellent service to our users and we know that you will help us maintain this high standard of service and courtesy at all times.

During your first two weeks of employment it is your responsibility to complete the following:

  • Schedule 10 - 15 minute appointments with each of the DAS staff members (our office assistant may assist you in making these arrangements)
  • Read and familiarize yourself with the DAS website and Student Handbook
  • View all DAS Tutorials (housed on the DAS website).

Table of Contents

Reasonable Accommodation

If you require an accommodation to perform the job for which you have been hired please notify your supervisor.

Work Hours

Employment with DAS should supplement your college experience not detract from it. Most students enroll in 12 – 18 credit hours and find that 10 – 20 work hours per week does not interfere with classes. Students are permitted to work no more than 20 hours per week during any academic term. Students may work up to 40 hours during school breaks in which they are either not enrolled in classes, or during the summer enrolled for less than 6 credits.

Student Status Minimum Enrollment Per Term
High School Students Regularly Enrolled
Undergraduate Students 6 credit hours
Post-baccalaureate Students 6 credit hours
Undergraduate International Students 12 credit hours
Graduate Students (officially admitted) 3 credit hours
Graduate International Students 9 credit hours

Student Timesheets/Payroll

Students track their time using Empcenter, OSU’s online time tracking system, which is verified by your supervisor upon submission. Time is tracked to the nearest 5 minute increment. The pay period begins on the 16th of the month and runs through the 15th of the following month (example: January 16 through February 15). Students will be paid on the last working day of the month. Student employees must submit electronic timesheets by the end of the business day on the 15th to ensure prompt payment.

Payroll checks or check stubs will be sent to your home department. If enrolled in Direct Deposit, you may opt out of receiving check stubs and review your stubs online through Student Online Services.

Note:If you are new to direct deposit your first paycheck will be a paper check and direct deposit will begin the following month.

At Will Employment

Students employed by OSU will be considered at-will employees. The employment relationship may be terminated at-the-will of either party. The at-will employment rule allows an employer to terminate an employee at any time and for any reason, unless a contract, state or federal law, constitutional requirements, or public policy prevents the firing. This policy does not apply to the employment relationship of students who are employed as union employees or on a graduate assistantship.

Schedules and Attendance

You must arrive on time! Good attendance and punctuality are important in any job. One of the advantages of working here is the flexible work hours. We will accommodate you by working around your course schedule. We do, however, need immediate notification of any scheduling conflicts. If you are ill or unable to work your scheduled hours you must call the front desk at 541-737-4098.

Each term, a new work schedule will be established in accordance with your class schedule. It is essential that you maintain your scheduled work hours. If you need to make an adjustment during the semester, contact your supervisor as soon as possible.

Break and Lunch Periods

Break periods are generally 15 minutes in length and are paid as time worked. Meal periods are generally 30 minutes in length and are unpaid, and not counted as time worked. Student employees are relieved of all duties and free to leave their assigned work area during meal and break periods.

The following are DAS policies regarding break and lunch periods:

  • Student employees who work a shift of 4 – 5 consecutive hours are required to take one 15-minute paid break during that shift. Breaks should not be taken at the beginning or end of the shift. A break is intended as a rest period, to be preceded and followed by work. It cannot be used to cover a late arrival or early departure.
  • Student employees who work a shift over 5-consecutive hours are required to take a 30 minute unpaid meal period.
  • Student employees who work an 8-consecutive hour shift are required to take no less than two 15-minute paid break periods and one 30-minute unpaid meal period.

Kitchen Use

DAS has equipped our kitchen area with a refrigerator, microwave, ice maker, coffee pot etc. We welcome our student employees to use these items, however, we must all clean up after ourselves, this includes:

  • Wiping out the microwave, refrigerator, and counter if there is a spill
  • Washing your own dishes
  • Ensuring items in the refrigerator are not old, stale or moldy
  • Do not ever leave dirty dishes in your work area, please clean them prior to the end of your shift

If the kitchen is not kept clean DAS may create a schedule and require all student employees to take turns cleaning the kitchen on a daily or weekly basis.

Telephone, Cell Phone and Computer Usage

DAS strongly discourages the personal use of department telephones, cell phones and computer usage during work time (this includes texting, email, Facebook, homework, etc.) unless you have permission from your supervisor. We understand that from time to time it may be necessary to make or receive a call. If this is the case please keep the call very brief, or preferably return the call on your next break.

During break periods you are welcome to use your cell phone or a DAS computer for personal use. Please remember all University computers are monitored and content should be acceptable for the workplace.

Dress Code

You represent DAS and Oregon State University to the DAS patrons. Appropriate dress is required. Casual clothes are acceptable (i.e. jeans, khakis, polo shirts, camp shirts, nice tees, modest shorts). Torn/soiled clothing, inappropriate logos and revealing articles of clothing are not considered appropriate office attire.


As a student employee you may be exposed to confidential information. You may meet students in the DAS office that are also in your classes, that share friends with you or that you may simply run into on the street. Please remember it is our responsibility to ensure that our students have the choice whether or not to discuss their disability with those around them. If you or the student engage in a conversation please keep your knowledge of the student as a DAS patron private unless the student chooses to acknowledge their affiliation with DAS. All student employees are to adhere to the FERPA rules. You will be required to take an online FERPA training and show proof that you have successfully completed and passed the test at the conclusion of the training. Violation of confidentiality can result in immediate termination.

Complete the FERPA training.

Office Culture

Each student worker will be assigned a supervisor. There may be times when you will be asked to assist with a DAS program other than the program you were hired to assist. In these cases the project you are working on will be lead by another DAS staff member. If you are ever unsure of project priorities please work with your primary supervisor for resolution.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is defined as an "intentional act of deception" in one or more areas which includes cheating, defined as the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids. Cheating on exams includes copying someone else's answers, using notes, electronic communication, or sharing information you have access to with others taking a test, etc.

Oregon State University has one of its primary goals as the creation of a compelling learning experience for all students. Part of developing this experience is for students to "acquire skills and knowledge for a lifetime of learning, and be involved in scholarly and creative pursuits." As a way to achieve the goals set forth for OSU, there is a set of values each member of the OSU community is expected to uphold. The two values that are crucial to upholding our high standards of academic integrity are responsibility and truth. Students will be held responsible for their choices and behaviors. OSU wants to contribute to the ethical well being of our society. Truth is simply the honoring and imparting of the principles of academic honesty, freedom, truth and integrity.

If you have questions about academic honesty, please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at 541-737-3656 or e-mail [email protected].