Accommodations for on-campus events should be provided by the sponsoring department. If you aren't sure who to contact about accommodations, please feel free to email [email protected] or call the DAS office at 541-737-4098.
To park in authorized accessible parking spaces requires an OSU permit and a valid Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles permit. Accessible parking permit applications are available from the State of Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. Persons having both permits may park anywhere on campus with the exception of those places reserved for emergency or service vehicles or in restricted areas. This includes free parking in metered parking spaces with time limits of more than one hour. If you need additional information regarding where to park, please visit the parking services ADA Parking page.
For information on general visitor parking and where to buy OSU parking permits, please visit the Visitor Parking page.
Visitor Accommodations
DAS provides limited equipment checkouts for visitor accommodations. Students, faculty & staff can check out manual wheelchairs at the DAS office. An OSU ID is required for checkout, and items are lent on a first-come-first-served basis. Please call ahead to check availability.
For guests who are hard of hearing, the DAS office has several FM systems for checkout. Contact the DAS office at 541-737-4098 or [email protected].