Assistive Technology On Campus

Students who attend OSU and are registered with DAS have access to various assistive technologies. Screen readers and magnification software are the most common, but some speech-to-text software has been made available as well.

  • Kurzweil 3000 software is provided to all students who receive E-Text as an accommodation
  • NVDA screen reader should be available at all OSU computer labs
  • VoiceOver screen reader is available on all Apple devices
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking dictation (speech-to-text) software is available as a testing accommodation
  • Magnification is available natively on all computers through the operating system 

Tutorials for Using Assistive Technology

Please visit the DAS Student Tutorials web page for more information on how to utilize Assistive Technology available on campus.

List of Assistive Technology Software Available on Campus

Student Computing Facilities

OSU Valley Library

  • Visit the OSU Valley Library website.
  • Software (available on all computers unless noted):
    • Window-Eyes screen reader
    • Operating system's native maginification
    • Kurzweil 3000