Chapter 13 - Memory Aid Guidelines

For students who have documented disabilities that affect long-term memory retrieval, using a memory aid sheet may be a reasonable accommodation. Memory aids allow the student to demonstrate knowledge of course material by helping prompt the student’s memory, not by providing the answer. Students are responsible for learning course materials, discerning which materials may require cues or prompts, developing the cues that will appear on the aid, and securing the instructor’s approval of the aid.

This accommodation appears on the student’s “Notification of Academic Accommodations” email as “Permission to bring and use a memory aid as pre-approved by the instructor.” "Cue Sheet," or "Formula Sheet," will be specified on the student's eligibility email and the notification letter sent to instructors.

If the instructor is concerned this accommodation is unreasonable because it will lower standards, compromise an essential component of, or fundamentally alter a course or program, such concerns should be addressed to DAS upon receipt of the “Notification of Academic Accommodations” email.

The determination that an accommodation is unreasonable is an institutional decision that must be made within legal parameters and in consultation with DAS. Instructors should not unilaterally render and attempt to implement a judgment that an accommodation is unreasonable.

What documentation is needed:

Students seeking this accommodation must provide documentation that includes the following.  Please review chapter 30 for information

  1. Validated measures of performance validity
  2. A memory assessment that provides the following:
    • Demonstrates actual learning of information took place.
    • Requires the student to recall the learned information after a standardized period of time.
    • Confirms that the student failed to retrieve the learned information.
    • Confirms that the student could recall it when given cues.
    • Confirms that the difference between the student’s spontaneous recall and cued recall is significantly larger than it is for other students (e.g., normed comparisons).

Working Memory:  Low scores on measures of “working memory” and “auditory working memory” are not sufficient evidence to support the need for a memory aid accommodation. Working memory does not require actual storage of information. Auditory working memory does not require the transferal of temporarily-held information into long-term storage.

What does a memory aid look like?

Styles of memory aids may vary and are at the discretion of the instructor. Generally, they can be written or typed using a size 10 or 12 font on a large index card, OR up to one side of an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper.  There are two types of memory aids that may be approved of as an accommodation:

  • Cue Sheet – a document containing information that serves as “prompts” to help cue a student’s recall of previously learned information.  For example, a word bank, or pictures.
  • Formula Sheet – a document containing formulae. Formulae refers to a set of rules or principles that are expressed using symbols, figures, or both. Students are permitted a formula sheet only on exams that test students on their use and application of formula. Instructors may not permit students the use of formula sheets on exams that evaluate student’s recall of formulae itself.

The Memory Aid accommodation should NOT:

  • Include course notes, lists of specific facts, details, concepts, or processes being tested.
  • Include complete terms and definitions.
  • Include specific examples of how formulas are used
  • Include full course notes, copies of course slides, or all information from the course being evaluated;
  • Exceed one page (single sided);
  • Include open textbooks;
  • Serve as a substitute of studying (a cue sheet will not help if a student has not studied the material).

Features of a Memory Aid (link to other document)


  • DAS will email the Notification of Academic Accommodations to the instructor regarding the support of a memory aid for quizzes, midterms and final exams.
  • The instructor should contact DAS if there are any concerns regarding this accommodation.
  • If the instructor believes this accommodation is not reasonable, then the process for an accommodation dispute should be followed.
  • Instructors must complete a Course Instruction Template before DAS can proctor an exam.
  • Students are responsible for sending the proposed memory aid to their instructor for approval at least two business days before the exams.
  • The instructor must review the memory aid and upon approval, send it to the DAS Testing Center. 
  • Students may not bring the approved memory aid/cue sheet with them to the exam.
  • Students must select this accommodation (memory aid) when scheduling course exams.
  • DAS Testing Services will return the memory aid to the instructor along with the completed exam, unless otherwise directed by instructor.

It is important to note:

  • Given the specific analysis for each course, a memory aid may be allowed for some exams but not others.
  • DAS will consider requests for a memory aid on a case-by-case basis.
  • DAS will not approve use of memory aids as a reasonable accommodation when doing so results in a fundamental alteration of academic standards.

Student Responsibilities

Memory Aid Student Responsibilities

  1. Plan Ahead 
  • Review your course outlines in advance. Make note of your test dates. 
  • Look over your course materials to determine if you will need to use a memory aid for the next upcoming test. 
  • Please review the DAS Memory Aid Guidelines 
  • Familiarize yourself with the learning outcomes of the test. 
  • Discuss with your instructor what type of content would be permitted on the memory aid.  
  1. Create 
  • Study your course materials. 
  • Create a list of the information you will need help remembering during the test. 
  • Compile your content into your final document. Ensure that it follows the memory aid guidelines.  
  1. Submit 
  • Submit the memory aid to your instructor for review,at least two days before the test date. At this stage, your instructor may either: 
    • Approve your memory aid and deliver it, along with your test, to DAS Testing Services. 
    • Return the memory aid to you with suggestions and feedback for revision.  
  1. Attend 
  • Attend your test/exam, as scheduled. Your memory aid will be administered with your test/exam materials. 
  • Please note that once a memory aid is submitted, students are not able to bring in additional notes or a revised memory aid to the test. 
  • Please note that memory aids may be retained by DAS Testing Services and returned to the course instructor with the completed exam.  

Instructor Responsibilities

  • Inform DAS if memory aid content compromises academic integrity. For more information
  • Provide the student with timely feedback to allow the opportunity for revisions if needed. 
  • Submit the memory aid, attached to the exam materials, to DAS Testing Services.  
  • When a memory aid is permitted for part of the exam, submit the exam to DAS Testing Services in two parts. In the instructions, state which part the memory aid will be permitted.  When the student takes the exam, they will be given the exam following the instructions provided. For example: “The student will be given part one of the exam without a memory aid and they must return part one to the proctor to receive part two of the exam and their memory aid. “ 

Additional Ways to Support Your Students: 

  • When you start teaching a new unit, consider announcing to the class and on Canvas the areas that you intend to test.  Students with memory aids can create and use their memory aid as a resource throughout the course, rather than just before the test. 
  • For the students who may require memory aids, it helps to confidentially remind them to submit their memory aid to you at least two days before the test, so that you can review it and provide guidance on the appropriateness of the content in person or by email. 
  • Consider allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in ways other than traditional tests/exams which, by their design, often constrain students with memory-related disabilities. 

Revised 1/2025