
DAS Zoom Room Drop-in times:

Do you have a quick question regarding DAS services? If so, this is the place for you to get real-time assistance.  A DAS Adviser will be available for a short (approximately 15-minute) individual discussion with you, to answer questions, or connect you with other resources.

There will be drop-in availability via Zoom Monday-Friday, 10:30am -12:30pm (PST).

Zoom Room Drop In

Instructor Assistance with Flexibility Agreements

A Faculty Zoom Room will be available Wednesdays 12:30 – 2:00pm, and Thursdays 9:00 – 10:00am Starting January 8th – February 13th.  If needed, please contact Tracy to schedule a different time to meet.  [email protected]

Faculty Zoom Room



Getting Started

Disability Access Services (DAS) provides accommodations, education, consultation and advocacy for qualified students with disabilities at Oregon State University. DAS works with students at OSU, OSU-Cascades, across Oregon and around the world through the OSU E-campus program.

Visit our Hours and Contact Information page for more info!