Steps for Requesting Housing Accommodations on the Corvallis Campus

  1. Apply for housing through UHDS on your StarRez Portal. 
  2. Fill out the Disability Accommodation Request (DAR) at your StarRez Portal . 
  3.  Apply for services with Disability Access Services (DAS). 
  4. Provide disability documentation to DAS. Have the DAS Housing Documentation Form filled out by a qualified healthcare professional. Any housing accommodation requests must be specifically addressed and supported by the documentation. 
  5.  requesting an Assistance Animal (emotional support animal or ESA) in on-campus housing, a  DAS Housing Assistance Animal Form  must also be provided from a qualified professional. Please review the additional DAS Animal Guidelines.  
  6. Schedule a 45-minute discussion appointment with DAS Housing Review Team members (this can be in-person or through Zoom) once the above steps have been completed.


Contact DAS at [email protected] with any questions.



  • DAS will send a reminder email to the student to complete all the steps listed above once a housing accommodation request has been submitted
  • Once all six (6) steps for an OSU on-campus housing accommodation request have been completed, the DAS Housing Review Team will process and review the request. DAS will inform the student of the outcome of their housing accommodation request(s) through their OSU e-mail.  
  • Housing accommodations are granted by DAS for an academic year (September – June of each year or the remainder of the current academic year).  



All students wishing to live on-campus during the summer term(s) and receive a housing accommodation will need to request summer housing accommodations separately through DAS.

If the student has not previously lived on-campus with DAS approved housing accommodations, or is requesting a change in housing accommodations then all the above steps for requesting a DAS housing accommodation must be followed. 

If a student is requesting the same housing accommodations that were previously approved by DAS for the current/previous academic year, the student only needs to submit a Disability Accommodation Form (DAR)through their StarRez Portal (Step 2).  



All students with currently approved housing accommodations through DAS will receive an email from UHDS regarding the housing application deadline for the following academic year. Students choosing to live on campus again, must request their housing accommodations according to the identified deadline.

If a student is requesting the same housing accommodations that were approved by DAS for the current/previous academic year, the student only needs to submit a Disability Accommodation Form (DAR) through their StarRez Portal (Step 2). 

Continuously enrolled students who miss the established UHDS deadlines for requesting on-campus housing will lose their priority selection status. This includes returning students who are registered for services with DAS who are requesting housing accommodations for the upcoming academic year. It’s important to get the housing application and housing accommodation requests in as soon as possible. 


Updated: 8/2022