Documentation Requirements

Disability Access Services (DAS) provides reasonable accommodations to Oregon State University students with disabilities. To determine eligibility for accommodations, you must register with DAS and provide documentation of a disability.

Specific Requirements

Disability documentation must adequately verify the nature and extent of the disability in accordance with current professional standards and it must clearly show the need for each if your requested accommodations. Documentation must be from a qualified professional who is licensed or certified to diagnose the disability in question. All tests used to document eligibility must be technically sound and standardized, and all documentation should be recent enough to reflect the student's current level of functioning.

Documentation must contain the following:

  • A specific diagnostic statement identifying the disability including severity and date of current diagnostic evaluation.
  • Specific findings which support this diagnosis including relevant history, tests administered, test results, and interpretation of those test results.
  • Length of condition(s) and expected duration
  • Information concerning the impact of the disability on the educational setting including a description of the physical and/or cognitive functional limitations due to the disability.
  • Medication(s) being used and side effects.
  • Recommended accommodations or services to address the functional impact(s).
  • Any other helpful information for working with this student.

The documentation must be on letterhead or DAS Documentation Information form, and must be dated, signed, and include the evaluator's name, address, telephone number and professional credentials.

If the original documentation is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation, DAS may, at its discretion, require additional documentation. The student is responsible for any costs related to obtaining additional documentation.

You can download a copy of the DAS Documentation Information form, or pick up a printed copy at the DAS office.